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O-Shot in Cottonwood Heights, UT


Research suggests that more than 60% of women experience urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction. Fifty-eight percent of postmenopausal women struggle with vaginal dryness. These conditions have historically been brushed under the rug, but women need to know that although common age-related problems, vaginal dryness, laxity, and discomfort do not have to be a part of their lives. The use of PRP represents a significant step forward in supporting women’s sexual wellness.

In the form of the O-Shot, platelet-rich plasma is used selectively to improve concerns including urinary incontinence, vaginal atrophy, lack of lubrication and sexual responsiveness, painful intercourse, and more.


  • The O-Shot is a safe, nonsurgical treatment that helps stimulate tissue rejuvenation in the area of the clitoris and vaginal opening. Platelet-rich plasma is an organic substance that is obtained within the client's blood. Because PRP belongs to the patient, the body will readily absorb its nutrients and make the best use of them. More than 8,000 papers discussing the safety of PRP have been published. In addition to stimulating tissue regeneration without surgery, benefits of the O-Shot include:

    • Increased G-spot responsiveness

    • Increased clitoral responsiveness

    • Relief from dyspareunia, painful intercourse

    • Increased vaginal tightness

    • Improvement in the intensity and frequency of orgasms

  • There are very few side effects to the O-Shot. This is largely due to the biological nature of PRP. The growth factors contained in platelet-rich plasma soothe the minor irritation that occurs from injections. As PRP gets absorbed in the vaginal tissues, slight swelling may develop. The injection areas may also feel slightly sore. These side effects are expected to resolve in a day or two.

  • The O-Shot can be a one-time treatment for up to two years of improved sexual wellness. However, studies suggest that a second O-Shot six to twelve months after the first can extend the results achieved.

  • Many women have received O-Shot treatment since it became available. On a scale of 0 to 10, clients generally describe their discomfort as a 2 or 3. We take several steps to make this treatment as comfortable as possible for each client, knowing that every person has a unique pain threshold. The use of topical numbing medication, ice, and other anesthesia modalities set client’s minds at ease.

  • The entire visit may take no more than 30 minutes. Steps to the O-Shot include:

    Clients have blood drawn from the arm. This is similar to having lab work done during a routine physical. The blood is processed in a centrifuge machine that spins at high-velocity to separate plasma from red blood cells.

    While blood is processing, a topical numbing substance is applied to the tissue where injections will be administered.

    Ice may be applied to the area, as well, and a local anesthetic block may be performed to enhance the effects of the topical numbing agent.

    After PRP has been isolated in a syringe, the substance is injected into specific areas to address concerns discussed during our consultation.

  • Clients do not need downtime after O-Shot treatment. All activities can be resumed based on comfort.

Before & After