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Thread Lift

Thread Lift in Cottonwood Heights, UT

What are Threads?

Aging is something we all can’t control. As we begin to age, we are naturally deprived of collagen and elasticity from our skin, resulting in a saggy eye area along with the droopiness surrounding our jawline, neck, and midface. We can’t fight aging, nor do we need to, but threads can help address unwanted sagging and allow graceful aging naturally.

We offer a very productive, safe, and non-surgical method to naturally uplift your face and restore the sagging and loose skin that gives you the confidence you need at any age. Thread lift is a miraculous treatment that gives you a youthful look again. We safely put the threads of Polydioxanone (PDO) under the concerned areas of the skin, which boosts the tension in the skin, promotes the skin to behave naturally, and produces more of the collagen responsible for beautiful skin.


  • Most popular treatment areas are the brows, cheeks (midface), jowls, and the upper neck. However, Thread Lift can be performed virtually anywhere on the body, such as to lift loose skin on the upper arms, stomach, thighs and around the knees.

  • Pain can be usually managed with acetaminophen (Tylenol) and/or ibuprofen (Advil). If stronger pain medicine is desired, it can be prescribed by our physician. You may have mild swelling and bruising for few days. Icing the treated area as well as arnica is recommended for the first few days. We recommend avoiding strenuous activity for few days.

  • The result of the Thread Lift is immediate and even more noticeable after 1-2 weeks when all the swelling and potential bruising has resolved. The results will continue to enhance as your skin produces even more collagen over the next several months which will also make the results of the thread lift last longer than the life of the threads.

    More threads can always be inserted down the line to continue to improve the results and prolong the results even more. If you choose to have a more intensive surgical procedure or facelift at a later point, this can be done without any problems as the PDO sutures will be absorbed completely without leaving any kind of scarring.

  • Like any procedure using a needle, there is a chance of bruising and swelling. However, in most people, the bruising and swelling is minimal and resolve in less than a week. There is some post-op discomfort which usually resolves quickly in most patients. If the sutures, for some reason, become visible underneath the skin or migrate, it can be easily removed if necessary and new threads can be placed.

Before & After

Before and after image of a female patient showing noticeable lift and definition in the brow and cheek area following PDO thread lift treatment at Willow Bend Medical Spa.